

Vision for 2030 (1.40 MB)application-pdfDownload


To excel as a knowledge and technology enterprise in the earth system science realm towards socio-economic benefit of the society.


To provide services for weather, climate, ocean and coastal state, hydrology, seismology and natural hazards; to explore and harness marine living and non-living resources in a sustainable manner and to explore the three poles of the Earth (Arctic, Antarctic and Himalayas).


  1. To augment and sustain long-term observations of atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and solid earth to record the vital signs of Earth System and changes.
  2. To develop forecasting capability of atmosphere and oceanic phenomena through dynamical models and assimilation techniques and to build prediction system for weather climate and hazards.
  3. To understand interaction between components of Earth Systems and human systems at various spatial and temporal scales.
  4. To explore polar and high seas regions of the Earth towards discovery of new phenomenon and resources.
  5. To translate knowledge and insights from Earth systems science into services for societal, environmental and economic benefit.
  6. Development of ocean technology for exploration of oceanic resources and societal applications.