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Ministry of Earth Sciences and Korea Meteorological Administration, Republic of Korea signed an Agreement of Cooperation (MOU) on 29th September 2010 in the field of Earth Sciences and Services.   The main objective of the Agreement of Cooperation is to enable in-depth understanding and joint development of skilful forecasting capabilities of various weather and climate related phenomena especially because India and Korea share similar weather conditions and atmospheric phenomena and have common interests and goals. Under this MoU, specific projects have been mutually identified that have their own Implementation strategy with identified PIs from India and Republic of Korea with well defined objectives, deliverables, individual as well as joint roles. Some of the prioritized areas of cooperation include aviation meteorological services, numerical weather prediction in various ranges and Asian monsoon.   Ministry of Earth Sciences and KMA will coordinate with other organizations /academic institutions of the respective countries, for their effective participation in these joint activities. For overall monitoring, integration and review of the various activities, a mechanism, is being put in place in the form of Joint Committee (JC) having members from both the countries.