


S.No Country Date and Year of Sign Partner Agency Areas of Cooperation Major Accomplishments
1 Norway 18th Feb 2020 (LoI will remain effective for a period of 5 years) The Ministry of Climate and Environment and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Govt. of Norway) JLoI between India and Norway for establishing the framework for India-Norway integrated ocean management & research initiative

The two countries jointly developed a draft framework for the Integrated Ocean Initiative with a focus on Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) and under this cooperation preparation of draft Marine Spatial Plans (MSP) for two Pilot Areas namely Puducherry and Lakshadweep have been one of the major accomplishments.

2 Norway 14th Oct 2014 (The MoU has been extended by 5 years from Oct 2019 i.e. upto Oct 2024). The sanctioned projects to NCPOR are completed Research Council of Norway (RCN),Norway. MoU for Cooperation in the field of Earth System Sciences

Under this MoU, joint programs on common areas of interest were developed through joint calls in the field of Earth System Science. Following two workshops on Geo-hazards and polar research in India in 2013 and subsequent joint call in Feb 2015, 5 projects under Climate System in Polar regions and 3 projects under Geohazard theme are supported by the ministry. Two of the projects have been completed while others are in various stages of implementation.