


Citizen's Charter (2021-22)

Contact Details of MoES Headquarters
S.No. Our Services and Transactions How we measure our performance in this area
Our Service Standard
1 Weather monitoring, forecasts and warningss
Weather forecast and warning to General Public and Meteorological support for Pilgrimage, tourism, mountain expedition, sports, etc. 06 Hrs
Agro-meteorological advisories at district level 05 Days
Meteorological support for Civil Aviation 30 Mins.
Rainfall Monitoring 1 Day
2 Ocean Forecast
Fishing advisory 24 hrs
Ocean State Forecast for General Public, Fishing, Industry and Defense/Security/Researchers 6 hrs
3 Early warning of natural hazards
Tsunami Bulletin 10 mins.
Earthquake Bulletin (after) 10 mins.
Cyclone Warning Bulletin 3 hrs
4 Processing of Proposals of holding of Seminars/ Symposia
Approval of Seminars/ Symposia proposals 2 Months
5 Processing of extra-mural proposals
Processing of proposals from Scientists/ Scientific institutions 6 Months
6 Payment to Vendors
Payment to vendors on submission of bills 4 weeks
7 Processing of requests for filling of scientific positions received from various centers
Timely processing of proposals received from various centers 4 Months
8 Grievance Redressal
Timely redressal of grievances 4 Months
1. Acknowledgement 7 days
(b) Final Response 60 days
9 Release of funds to centers of the Ministry
Timely Processing of proposals received 60 days
10 Implementation of RTI Act , 2005
Timely disposal of applications and appeal under RTI Act, 2005  
1. Acknowledgement of application 1 day
2. Disposal of RTI application and appeal As per RTI Act