


S.No Country Date and Year of Sign Partner Agency Areas of Cooperation Major Accomplishments
1 WMO 31st May 2023 (The MoU is valid for 5 years) World Meteorological Agency (WMO), and IMD Hosting of WMO certified trainings/courses at Meteorological Training Institute, Pune for the meteorological and hydrological personnel of members of WMO. DG IMD is the permanent representative of India in WMO

IMD, New Delhi is designated as the nodal centre for South Asia Flash Flood Guidance System (SAsiaFFGS). It provides flash flood guidance for South Asian region including Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and India. Through this agreement IMD will now be able to provide the training to foreign nationals at par with the other WMO recognised centres and will develop mechanism to provide the fellowships to Least Developed (LD) countries.