

Submitted by admin on Wed, 06/16/2021 - 08:46

The scheme “Atmospheric Observations Network” of IMD is a continuing scheme primarily encompassing ongoing programs in an integrated manner aimed at sustenance of observational network. This scheme is a part of the umbrella scheme Atmosphere & Climate Research-Modelling Observing Systems & Services (ACROSS) programme of MoES.

The meteorological services have significant societal impact. Public/private/government sectors demand for accurate prediction of weather and climate at various temporal and spatial scales is increasing due to possible impacts of global climate variability and change. Improved and reliable forecast of weather and climate requires high resolution dynamical models backed by comprehensive data assimilation systems. Thus, intensive monitoring of various weather systems through different platform based observing systems provide not only the necessary information about current weather systems, their effective assimilation in numerical models provide important guidance for skillful forecasts generation.

The current observations need to be sustained and continued as per WMO procedures and standards for all times to come. The measurement of various atmospheric parameters through surface, upper air, aircraft is a prime requirement for operating the meteorological services. Several major advanced technology based equipments have been installed over the years. The maintenance and augmentation of these equipments is essential so that the benefit of technology upgradation is available on continuous basis. IMD needs upgradation & sustenance of observational network in order to achieve accelerated progress for providing top quality meteorological services to the society.

IMD has been operating and sustaining several types of observational networks all over the country for monitoring the meteorological conditions and providing the meteorological data to weather forecasting and other uses. Sustenance of integrated observation system will be the major strategy of the scheme.


  1. Sustenance and Augmentation of observational networks comprising of Doppler Weather Radars (DWRs), Automatic Rain Gauges (ARGs), Automatic Weather systems (AWSs), Upper Air, Surface and Environmental Observatories etc.
  2. Sustenance & Establishment of Multi processing, computing and communication facilities for Satellite Meteorological Applications.

Participating Institution:

  1. India Meteorological Department, New Delhi


(Rs. In crores)

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Budget Requirement
Name of the Scheme 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Total
Atmospheric Observation Network 123.27 143.16 173.17 439.60


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