


PRITHVI (Prithvi Vigyan) 

The central sector scheme of “Prithvi Vigyan (PRITHVI)” is an umbrella scheme by merging the existing five schemes “Atmosphere & Climate Research-Modelling Observing Systems & Services (ACROSS)”, “Ocean Services, Modelling Application, Resources and Technology (O-SMART)”, “Polar Science and Cryosphere Research (PACER)”, “Seismology and Geosciences (SAGE)” and “Research, Education, Training and Outreach (REACHOUT)”.

Sub-schemes: There are four sub-schemes under the PRITHVI umbrella scheme that are implemented by various institutions under the MoES. The sub-schemes along with the unit implementing them are as follows:

  2. PACER
  3. SAGE


Being implemented by National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Indian National Centre for Ocean Information and Services (INCOIS), Centre for Marine Living Resources and Ecology (CMLRE) and National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR)

The objectives include:

  1. Deploy and sustain a wide range of state-of-the-art ocean observation systems for the acquisition of real-time data from the seas around India
  2. Generate and disseminate a suite of user-oriented ocean information, advisories, warnings, data and data products for the benefit of society.
  3. Develop technologies to tap the marine bio resources, generate freshwater and ocean energy and technologies.
  4. Generate and regularly update information on Marine Living Resources and their relationship with the physical environment in the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
  5. Support operation and maintenance of 6 Research vessels for ocean survey/monitoring/technology demonstration programmes.



Being implemented by the National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR)

The objectives include:

  1. Ensure the country’s strategic and scientific interests in the Polar Region and the surrounding oceans.
  2. Continue the long-term frontline scientific programmes in Antarctica, Arctic, Himalaya and Southern Ocean, which are pertinent to the national needs and having potential societal, strategic and global relevance.
  3. Planning, coordination and implementation of the annual Indian Antarctic, Arctic, Himalayan, Southern Ocean expeditions.
  4. Maintenance of Indian Research bases at Antarctica, Arctic and Himalaya.
  5. Establishment of a state-of-the-art polar research and logistic facilities in the country.



Being implemented by the National Centre for Seismology (NCS) and National Centre for Earth Sciences Studies (NCESS)

The objectives include:

  1. Carry out research in frontier areas of seismology and geosciences
  2. Monitoring of earthquake activity in and around the country on 24x7 basis and preparation of earthquake hazard related products for selected cities in India.
  3. Deep Borehole Observatory for directly measuring the in-situ physical properties of rocks, pore fluid pressure, hydrology parameters, temperature and other parameters of an intra-plate, active fault zone in the near–field of earthquake-before, during and after their occurrence.
  4. Investigations related to origin of largest Geoidal low on Earth through systematic scientific observations.
  5. Modelling of crustal, coastal, geohydrological and atmospheric processes to assess wave climate, hydrodynamics and sediment transport along certain selected coastal stretches of west coast of India to understand the impact of coastal structures.
  6. Generation of high-quality Geochronological data and its characterization for dating of geologically youngest and old formations/rocks/sediments in the earth history and provide improved and quantitative understanding of the evolution of the Indian lithosphere



The objectives include:

  1. Support various R &D activities in the thrust areas of different components of Earth System Sciences that are theme and need-based, and that would help in attaining the National goals set up for MoES.
  2. Develop useful collaborations with international organizations for mutual transfer of advanced knowledge in science and technology in Earth Sciences and to provide services to developing countries
  3. Create awareness amongst the public, students, academicians and user communities about the various fields of Earth System Science as well as on the achievements/ services rendered by MoES.
  4. Develop skilled and trained manpower in Earth Sciences with the support of academic institutions in the country and abroad.