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Advertisement for the post of Project Scientist under REACHOUT (Research, Education and Training) Umbrella Scheme of Ministry of Earth Sciences on contractual basis.
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Notice regarding recruitment of post of Scientist G, NCS, MoES, on direct recruitment basis dated March 04, 2022
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Recruitment for post of Sc-G, NCS under MoES: interview schedule through VC on Feb 15, 2022-reg.
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Notice for Cancellation of REACHOUT Project Scientists Advertisement
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The Ministry of Earth Sciences invites online applications for filling up of posts of Scientists in different levels (Scientist C, D, & F) in the Pay Level 11, 12, & 13A of the pay matrix in the Ministry of Earth Sciences on direct recruitment basis.
Advertisement for Scientists posts MoES direct recruitment:ONLINE APPLICATION Link-https://incois.gov.in/jobs/moes0721/home.jsp
Corrigendum reg. eligibility and last date of application.
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Advertisement inviting applications for the post of Managing Director, North Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation
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Advertisement for vacancies at MoES-National Centre for Seismology (NCS)
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Centre for Marine Living Resources and Ecology (CMLRE)
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Advertisement for vacancies at National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR), Chennai
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Engagement of a Consultant in the Ministry of Earth Sciences