

Title S.No Title PI Name Institute Name Sanction with Date Duration Cost(Rs. in lakhs) Status Major Equipments & Abstract
Luminescence Chronology of Paleoflood 180 Luminescence Chronology of Paleoflood and aeolian dunes deposit in Kaveri Basin: Implication to Holocene climate reconstruction Dr. Manoj Kumar Jaiswal Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, (IISER), Kolkata 15th October, 2014
5 Years 9685200 Completed
Identification of artificial recharge 179 Identification of artificial recharge sites using geophysical, RS and GIS technique and construction of recharge structures and hydrogeochemical studies for selected borewells in ramanagaram taluk, karnataka Dr. A.V.Ganesha Ghousia College of Engineering, Karnataka 26th September, 2014

3 Years 1595120 Completed
Biogeochemical and Atmospheric Changes 178 Biogeochemical and Atmospheric Changes during Archean-Proterozoic Transition: Geochemical and Isotopic studies from greenstone belts of Dharwar craton and Cuddapah basin Dr. Chakravadhanula Manikyamba NGRI-CSIR, Hyderabad 29th August, 2014

2 Years 4105880 Completed
Petrogenesis of mafic and ultramafic 177 Petrogenesis of mafic and ultramafic magmatism at Madawara Igneous Complex, Bundelkhand Craton: Implications for Platinum Group Elements (PGE) Metallogeny Dr.V.Balaram (i)  CSIR-NGRI, Hyderabad (ii)  Bundelkhand University, Jhansi 16th July, 2014

3  Years 3578000 Completed
Phosphorus fractionation in surface 176 Phosphorus fractionation in surface and core sediments: An Implication in Restoration and Conservation of Govind Ballabah Pant Sagar, Singrauli, M.P. Dr. Anshumali  Indian School of Mines Dhanbad 27th June, 2014
3  Years 3246000 Completed
Evaluating structural control 175 Evaluating structural control on gold mineralization in Gadag region (Karnataka) – a study based on fabric quantification and kinematic analysis Dr. Manish Atmaprakash Mamtani Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 06th June, 2014 3  Years 8639532 Completed
Quaternary Landform Evolution 174 Quaternary Landform Evolution along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust of India: Insight to the patterns of strain release along a Continental Convergent Plate Boundary Dr R.Jayangonda Perumal Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun 31st March, 2014
3  Years 9587696 Completed
Metamorphic Trajectory of the granulite 173 Metamorphic Trajectory of the granulites from the Jagtiyal Section, Andhra Pradesh: Implication on the crustal evolution Dr. Divya Prakash Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 26th November, 2013 3  Years 2426820 Completed
Exhumation and denudation history 172 Exhumation and denudation history of the western and central arunachal himalaya: low temperature thermochronology investigation Dr. George Mathews Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay 8th November, 2013 3  Years 7480000 Completed
Mineral Mapping in Kajali Dongari 171 Mineral Mapping in Kajali Dongari of Dist. Jhabua using  Hyperspectral Data Analysis & Field Verifications by ASD Spectro-radiometers Dr. Jyoti Sarup Maulana Azad National  Institute of Technology, (Manit) Bhopal 19th August, 2013 1 Year 505000 Completed