

Title S.No Title PI Name Institute Name Sanction with Date Duration Cost(Rs. in lakhs) Status Major Equipments & Abstract
Study of the Sub-Himalayan Lower 170 Study of the Sub-Himalayan Lower Cenozoic succession with spl. Ref. to the reconstruction of the techno-sedimentary history of Subathu basin Prof.Prabir Das Gupta Presidency Univ.,Kolkata 5th June 2013 1 Year 800000 Completed
Study of Anomalous variations Solid Earth 150 Study of Anomalous variations Solid Earth tides and Atmosphere parameters prior to the occurrence of devastating earthquake implications for earthquakes forecasting(SETAP) MoES/P.O.(Seismo)1(343)/2018 Dr. N.Venkatanathan SASTRA University, Thirumalaisamudram 18th April,2019

3 Years 3562490 Completed
Near Surface Geophysical and Geotechnical 145

Near Surface Geophysical and Geotechnical Investigation for Site-specific Earthquake Hazard and Slope Stability studies in and aroung Gangtok vis-a vis it’s Vulnerability and Risk Implications MoES/P.O.(Seismo)/1(207)/2013

Prof. S.K.Nath IIT Kharagpur 27th November,2018
4 Year 6 Months 4512000 Completed
Study of seismic failure possibilities of earthen 142 Study of seismic failure possibilities of earthen dams and embankments by dynamic and response analysis using finite element methods. MOES/P.O.(Seismo)/1(301)/2016 Dr. Nitiyananda Nandi Indian Insitute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur, Howarh 07th June, 2018

2 Years 3690000 Completed
Structure, style and rates of deformation along 141 Structure, style and rates of deformation along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) zone, northeast Himalaya using an integrated geophysical and geological approach: Implications for seismic hazard scenario. MoES/P.O(Seismo)/1(319)/2017 Dr. Sidharth Prizomwala Institue of Seismological Research, ISR, Gandhinagar 28th September,2018

3 Years 3834200 Completed
Strong motion seismometry in Darjeeling 139 Strong motion seismometry in Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya: comprehensive maintenance for round-the -clock seismic moniroting by the 10 station DSSMA and enriching ground mortion database for relooking into seismic source, site and path characteristics from hazard perspectives for a conservative damage and loss estimate in SELENA and HAZUS environment. MoES/P.O(Seismo)/1(313)/2017 Prof. S.K.Nath IIT Kharagpur 25th September,2018
4 Years 3240500 Completed
Role of mantle flow in affecting the dynamic 138 Role of mantle flow in affecting the dynamics of the Indian Plate. MoES/P.O(Seismo)/1(328)/2017 Dr. Attreyee Ghosh Indian Institute of Science, (IISc) Bangalore 25th September,2018 2 Years (six months extended) 1210000 Completed
Dynamic slip of earthquakes with available 136 Dynamic slip of earthquakes with available data MoES/P.O.(Seismo)/1(304)/2016 Dr. Surendra Nadh Somala IIT Hyderabad 01st Novmber 2017 3 Years 1481800 Completed
Application of Advanced Statistical Signal 135 Application of Advanced Statistical Signal Processing Algorithms for Earthquake Prccursors Using GPS-TEC MoES/P.O.(Seismo)/1(310)/2016 Dr. Kanchumarthi Satya Ramesh KLEF University, Andhra Pradesh 12th September 2017 1 Years 500000 Completed
Water quality assessment of water 129 Water quality assessment of water sources of Lunglei District in Mizoram Dr. Malsawmtluanga Lunglei Govt. College, Mizoram MoES/PAMC/H&C/115/2019-PC-II
25th July, 2019
2 Years 4,38,000 Completed Abstract

(i) Arsenic Test Kits
(ii) pH portable Kit
(iii) Water Sample bottles (iv) TDS portable meter
(v) Icebox
(vi) Syringe driven filters (vii) Soil Test (Macro Nutrients)
(viii) Soil Test (Micro Nutrients)
(ix) Rain Gauge
(x) Turbidity