

Title S.No Title PI Name Institute Name Sanction with Date Duration Cost(Rs. in lakhs) Status Major Equipments & Abstract
Assessment of Environmental Flows 111 Assessment of Environmental Flows for Himalayan Rivers Dr. Sharad Jain NIH, Roorkee MoES/PAMC/H&C/38/2013-PC-II

25th September, 2014
1 Years 13,74,300 Completed
Establishing the reference condition 110 Establishing the reference condition on the Ganga River with Corona Archival Imaginery Dr. Rajiv Sinha IIT, Kanpur MoES/PAMC/H&C/37/2013-PC-II

23rd July, 2014

18 Months Completed Abstract

Near Real Time Flood Forecasting system 109 Near Real Time Flood Forecasting system Dr. Subhankar Karmakar Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering, IIT, Bombay MoES/PAMC/H&C/36/2013-PC-II

25 September, 2014
3 Years 93,30,680 Completed Abstract

(i) MIKE FLOOD (including basin module) software.
(ii) Workstation
(iii) PC

Seasonal Hydrologic predictions based 108 Seasonal Hydrologic predictions based on regional Forecast of Monsoon rainfall with CWRF and Statistical Downscalling Dr. Subimal Ghosh IIT, Bombay MoES/PAMC/H&C/35/2013-PC-II

25 September, 2014
3 Years 99,73,960 to 1,01,20,868 Revised Completed Abstract

(i) Workstations,
(ii) Computational Support
Modelling of soil moisture in a changing 107 Modelling of soil moisture in a changing climate using the potential of probabilistic hydro-meteorological approach Dr. Rajib Maity IIT, Kharagpur MoES/PAMC/H&C/30/2013-PC-II

13th September, 2014
4 Years 43,82,400 Completed Abstract
Computational facilities
(i) Workstation
(ii) Laptop
Resistance characteristics of alluvial 106 Resistance characteristics of alluvial channel with mobile bed vegetation Dr. Bimlesh Kumar Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati MoES/PAMC/H&C/26/2013-PC-II

1st January, 2014
2 Years 4,60,000 Completed
Quantification of physical and chemical flux 105

Quantification of physical and chemical flux of discharging groundwater to sea in coastal areas of the Bay of Bengal.

Dr.Abhijit Mukherjee Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur MoES/PAMC/H&C/23/2013-PC-II

29th March, 2014

3 Years 74,19,136 Completed Abstract

(i) Field multiprobe meter for water testing
(ii) Data logger
(iii) Trace Element Analyzer
Assessing the impacts of climate 104 Assessing the impacts of climate and land cover changes on hydrology Prof. Shakil A Romshoo University of Kashmir MoES/16/36/10-RDEAS
20th October, 2011

3 Years 65.244 Completed
L-moments Based Regional extreme 103 "L-moments Based Regional extreme Rainfall and flood frequency Analysis for Hydrometerological Sub zones 2(b) and 2(c) of India." Dr. Parthasarathi Choudhary Civil Engg, NIT Silchar, Assam MoES/16/35/09-RDEAS 26th April, 2010
3 Years 0.00 Completed
Innovative & efficient algae based system 77 Innovative & efficient algae based system to reduce carbon dioxide emissions: A possible remedy to climate change. Dr. Kishan Singh Rawat, Centre for Remote Sensing and Geo-informatics Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai 01.02.2019

3 Years 36,69,402/- Completed