

Title S.No Title PI Name Institute Name Sanction with Date Duration Cost(Rs. in lakhs) Status Major Equipments & Abstract
Groundwater Security of Indus basin (Ladakh) 124 Groundwater Security of Indus basin (Ladakh) in present and future climate and land use scenarios Prof.GH.Jeelani University of Kashmir, Srinagar & IIT, Kharagpur MoES/PAMC/H&C/92/2016/PC-II

03rd April, 2018

3 Years 73,06,000 Completed Abstract

(i) Multi-probe water quality analyzer
(ii) Ion Chromotograph
The "Hydrologic footprint" of major Invasive 123 The "Hydrologic footprint" of major Invasive Alien species in the upper Nilgiris. Dr. Ravindra Singh Bhalla Foundation of Ecological Research, Advocacy and learning (FERAL), FERAL Campus, 17/03 Morattandi, Auroville Post, Vanur, Villupuram Tamil Nadu-605101 MoES/PAMC/H&C/85/2016/PC-II

29th August 2018

18 Months 42,89,652 Completed Abstract

FERAL: (i) Water Moisture Tension Sensor
(ii) Digital soil Moisture Meter
(iii) Arduino Boards with relevant shields
ATREE: (i) Odyssey capacitance water level Recorders with data loggers
(ii) USB to serial adaptor with RS232 cable
(iii) Water Level Logger
(iv) HOBO ware Pro windows and Macintosh
(v) HOBO waterproof Data Shuttle
(vi) HOBO Optic USB Base Station
(vii) Rainlog-Rainew 2.0 data logger and collector
(viii) Bowen Ratio Assembly as per PAMC Replacing Moble Sap Flux System
(ix) PMS instruments pump based plant

Development of a remote sesing based 122 Development of a remote sesing based method for the rapid-reconstruction of time series of formative water discharge of the Ganga and Brahmputra Rivers in the Himalaya Foreland Dr. Kumar Gaurav Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, IISER, Bhopal MoES/PAMC/H&C/84/2016/PC-II

31st October, 2017

2 Years 38.27 Completed Abstract

(i) Echo Sounder
(ii) Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter
(iii) Workstation
(iv) Hand held GPS
(v) Inflatable motor boat
(vi) Laptop
Study of solute transport parameters 121 Study of solute transport parameters though porous medium Dr. Deepak Swami IIT, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh MoES/PAMC/H&C/81/2016/PC-II

28th March, 2018
3 Years 44,59,325 Completed Abstract
(i) Conductivity sensors
(ii) Data Logger
(iii) Peristaltic Pump system
A Scoping proposal to build a two dimensional 120 A Scoping proposal to build a two dimensional ice-flow model for basin scale glacier simulation in the Himalaya. Dr. Argha Banerjee Earth and Climate Science, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research ,Pune MoES/PAMC/H&C/80/2016-PC-II

25 October, 2016
2 Years 10.26 Completed Abstract

i). One Desktop
Establishing a Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) 118 Establishing a Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) in the Ganga Basin Dr.Debajyoti Paul Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur MoES/PAMC/H&C/63/2015/PC-II

20th November, 2015
3 Years 74.64 Completed Abstract

(i) Automatic weather gauges
(ii) Theta Probe
(iii) Net radiometer
(iv) Soil heat flux plates
(v) Hydra probe
(vi) Interception losses
(vii) TDR Probe
(viii) Automatic ground water level sensor
(ix) Flow measuring stations
(x) Leaf Area Index
(xi) Sap flow meters
Measurement and modelling of Evapotransiration 117 Measurement and modelling of Evapotransiration and other Hydrological process in Lesser Himalayas Dr. Manish Kumar Nema National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee MoES/PAMC/H&C/62/2015/PC-II

14th December, 2015
3 Years (+2 Years) 94,19,600 Completed Abstract

(i)Micro-meteorological monitoring system
(ii) Soil Monitoring Station
(iii) Hand held LAI meter
(iv) Toughbook Laptop

Estimation of glacier mass balance 116 Estimation of glacier mass balance,glacier dynamics and surface flow using UAVS (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) in Baspa basin, Himachal Pradesh Dr. Rajesh Kumar Department of Environmental Science Sharda University, Greater Nodia MoES/PAMC/H&C/61/2015-PC-II

29 March, 2016
3 Years 49,73,053 Completed Abstract

i) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with inbuilt high resolution camera and GPS
ii). Laptop
A 100 ka Glaciation-deglaciation history 115

A 100 ka Glaciation-deglaciation history of Ladakh: its comparison with sutluj valle and signatures in the alluvial plains of NW India.

Dr. Naresh Chandra Pant Centre of Advance studies in Geology, University of Delhi MoES/PAMC/H&C/51/2013/PC-II

27th March, 2017
3 Years 84,82,000 Completed Abstract

(i) Benchtop SEM
(ii) Centrifuge
Isotope Techniques to Evalute the seasonal 114 Isotope Techniques to Evalute the seasonal and inter-annual variation of Glacial and snowmelt discharge in the Gangas River at Gumkukh and Mana. Dr. Inder Sekhar Sen Indian Institute of Technology ,Kanpur MoES/PAMC/H&C/47/2013-PC-II

25 September, 2014
18 Months 16,72,000 Completed