

Title S.No Title PI Name Institute Name Sanction with Date Duration Cost(Rs. in lakhs) Status Major Equipments & Abstract
Spatial Modeling of land use dynamics 65 Spatial Modeling of land use dynamics and its impact on fluxes and Ecosytem services in Eastern Ghats, India in present and future climate scenario Dr. V. Chakravarthi Centre for Earth & Space Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad – 500 046 14.08.2015

3 Years 63,63,600 Completed
Quantification of impact of global 64 Quantification of impact of global warming on changes in precipitation patterns over India Dr. Anoop Kumar Mishra Centre for Remote Sensing and Geo-Informatics, Sathyabama University, Jeppiaar 10.08.2015

3 Years 15,43,200 Completed
Study of Atmospheric Aerosols over NCR 63 Study of Atmospheric Aerosols over NCR using Chemical Transport  Model by Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Prof. Manju Mohan Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi 11.05.2015

3 Years 29,32,320 Completed
Aligned Carbon Nanotubes as Porous Materials 62 Aligned Carbon Nanotubes as Porous Materials for selective Carbon-Dioxide Adsorption and Desorption: Effect of Pressure and Charge Dr. Jayant K. Singh,Associate Professor Department of Chemical Engineering, I.I.T., Kanpur-208016 30.10.2014

3 Years 41,05,320 Completed
Estimation of Carbon Sequestration Potential 61 Estimation of Carbon Sequestration Potential of Trees in Southern Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India by Pachaiyappa’s College, Chennai Dr. T. Sekar PG & Research Dept. of Botany Pachaiyappa’s College (Affiliated to University of Madras),Chennai 03.07.2014

3 Years 29.49 Completed
Measurements and modeling 60 Measurements and modeling of cloud condensation nuclie (CCN) in Indian continental and marine air Dr. Sachin Gunthe Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras 05.05.2014

3 Years 99,60,000 Completed
Development of a mid-IR Cavity 59 Development of a mid-IR Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer for High-Precision Real-Time Continuous Monitoring of Multiple Trace Gases and Stable Isotopic Species in the Atmosphere Dr. Manik Pradhan S N Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata 25.06.2013

3 Years 88,55,000 Completed
Establishment of Pulsed Laser 58 Establishment of Pulsed Laser Photolysis-Laser Induced Fluorescene Spectrometer and measurement of atmospheric lifetimes of volatile organic compounds in the Earth’s atmosphere Dr. B. Rajakumar Indian Institute of Technology, Madras 25.06.2013

3 Years 1,14,08,000 Completed
Physicochemical characterization of aerosol 57 Physicochemical characterization of aerosol & rainwater in central Brahmaputra plain in Assam - Tezpur University, Assam Dr. Raza Rafiqul Hoque Department of Environmental Science Tezpur University 09.03.2011
3 Years 69,65,300 Completed
Studies on impact and response of ecologically 37 Studies on impact and response of ecologically important bacteria towards environmental stressors of Bhitarkanika Mangrove ecosystem, Odisha Dr.Surajit Das NIT,Rourkela MoES/36/OOIS/Extra/73/2019 22/07/2019

3 Years 43.74 Completed